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  • Elegance

    “Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside.” “This is what Olfactena inspired me by experiencing its surprising concepts” Samia

  • “Essence in every sense of the word” Julien

    "Touch, smell, sight, the senses exploited, and a detailed and complete analysis, which opens the doors to the world of perfume. Olfactena is undeniably human-oriented, and that feels good."

  • Exploring the imagination

    “A dream, a calming experience, bringing a real enchantment to life, all in a bottle, in an enriching activity, oriented towards humans. We are in physical spaces, we explore touch, smell, sight”. Terry

Lydia I. founder

Lydia, founder of Olfactena whose vocation is to determine the ideal perfume - among all the rare perfumes & private collection - according to the personality of each individual, is eager to sublimate their being & find the scents that resemble them. "Perfume is a art, a symbol of identity, awakens sensitivities that are specific to each person. Personality and the study of emotions are also specific to each person & define characteristics that contribute to the uniqueness & identity of each individual. when we immerse ourselves in all this, we easily understand that the link between personality & scent is not neutral. An individual, just like a perfume, must be studied, listened to & felt. This is what I I wanted to transmit through Olfactena, and which I will continue to spread. To each being its perfume. "